I am an indie dyer from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Knitting and dyeing are my two favourite fibre arts. I'm a wife, a mother of four, a nurse... I wear many hats! (but the best ones are my hand knitted tuques!)
Fibre arts and I have been in love as long as I can remember. For years I was predominantly a knitter. I love yarn. All of it (except maybe acrylic). I love the rhythm of knitting, the colours, the textures, the grounding of the fibre and the repetition, the creating... all of it. And then I discovered dyeing. A new way to get my hands in the fibre. A new way to experience the joy of colour and creating. There's nothing better than getting up in the morning, grinding the coffee beans, and checking last nights cooled dye pots as the coffee brews. We live outside the city, and the trees, the sunshine, the rooster crowing... it's all part of living the dream. Someday we'll have sheep of our own, but for now there's already an unbelievable amount of wool in this house to cuddle.
The shop name comes from my love of the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, which we frequently watch from our back yard. My kids love when I pull them out of bed in the middle of the night to watch the ribbons of colour dancing across the sky. Equally, they love helping dye yarn. They ooh and ahh over new colourways, over the perfection of a table full of newly wound mini skeins. And they love picking their favourites and trying to convince me I should knit it up into something for them (let me tell you, these kids are clothed in wool upon wool... they are not lacking!!) As a family we dream of having a hobby farm, and we're all in agreement that sheep will be the first addition. The perfect location for the sheep barn is... you guessed it... the hill facing due north where we watch the Northern Lights. The Aurora Baa-realis.
Thanks for stopping by my site. I hope you see something you love. I'm very open to custom orders, so send me a message if you want to dream something up. Dreaming up beautiful colours is why I do what I do. Take a look at my Etsy site to see what I am cooking up. If you want to keep up with new projects I'm working on, feel free to follow me on Instagram or sign up for my email newsletter.